A-Z Index

Transcript Request

Transcript request processes noted below. Please take care to select the appropriate process that applies to the audience you belong. 

Important Notes

  • Requests for transcripts cannot be made by email or by phone.
  • A HOLD on your record prevents the release of transcripts.
    • Transcripts are not issued to individuals who have Assessment holds, Perkins Loan holds, or an incomplete Admissions file.
  • Normal processing time is 1-2 working days. Allow time for receipt by mail.
    • Allow additional time during peak periods at the beginning and end of a semester as well as during the Holiday Season in mid-December through mid-January.
  • If an incorrect address is provided, the student is responsible for ordering a new transcript.

Currently Enrolled Students

Alumni / Former Students

Requesting Housed Transcript for Other Schools

Northwest is the repository for transcript records of two other schools that are no longer in operation.